Thursday, September 29, 2005
the origin...
Cam'ron's 1998 album chariots of fire has a song entitled horse and carriage with the following lyrics:
And when it comes to Jimmy, my name's me too
'Cause when he got cash, I was like me too
And when he got ass I said me too
And when he got the drop I was like me too
And when he almost got shot I said me too
one example how it applies to me:
my friend chris got his truck and gave me a call. he was like i just got a new truck. and im like "me too!"
it's too early
i've had a shitload of screen names. lazysundae comes from that calvin and hobbes book, the lazysunday book. it's still pretty much my favorite comic strip. and since i love ice cream so damn much i changed it to '-dae.' pretty simple.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
stupid is as stupid does.
lj friends, xanga subscriptions, qlaq, el's ffffresh blog (when i remember it's there), other friends online journals.
random shit: = takes forever and a day to load, but it's freakin hilarious = always comedic = for the nerd in me. i don't check this too much because he stopped updating for a while. wil wheaton is the young kid in star trek next generation and one of the kids in stand and deliver or stand by me or whatever the fuck it was called. the movie with a young river phoenix, a glasses wearing corey feldman, and a fat jerry o'connell. = when i don't want to pay 10 bucks for a movie i'm only mildly interested in i go here to read the summaries. also sometimes i just don't want to see a movie, but i want to know what happens in the end. other times there is just nothing to do so i bide my time reading about movies i don't give a shit about.
myspace = because i can't pick up a book, but i can stare at a screen = when i'm in the mood for jt blocks, word racer, or that dinosaur game
soulstrut = i've just started to read this. some of the shit on there is too much for me though.
i never have money so it's always window shopping
voodoo ppl
since work and circumstance have basically cut my daily internet use to around 2 hours a day i don't really have much to report. right now i'm mostly trying to load up my hd with movies to take with me: heathers, old boy, the life aquatic, the jacket, season 1 of a cook's tour, fast times at ridgemont high, the 40-yr old virgin. and i'm also inhaling a lot of music. this is because once i get out there i'll be on 56k dial-up. i'm not worried - there will be many a rectal bleeding dog to keep me occupied.
so that is pretty much it. as for blogs, i like and - have not really been reading as of late. oh and google image search is always good. other than that i use adium/ichat. mostly to berate ryan, who lives on the other side of this wall.
castro1980: dude i have no hair
castro1980: dude what the hell is the sauce
castro1980: im scared
skybluextc: the white sauce
skybluextc: clams in white sauce
castro1980: that sounds so fuckin wrong dude
castro1980: gyaaaaaah
skybluextc: aaaaaahh
skybluextc: anak
skybluextc: you're on vacation
castro1980: u know whats fucked up
skybluextc: what
castro1980: this london shit
castro1980: it just makes it convenient for everyone to be assholes again
castro1980: esp americans
skybluextc: yeah
castro1980: like its fucked up on its own
castro1980: but you know our administration is like
castro1980: THANK GOD
skybluextc: carry on
castro1980: how do you get 100 dead babies into a phonebooth?
skybluextc: um
skybluextc: how
castro1980: with a blender.
skybluextc: EWWWWW
castro1980: how do you get them out?
skybluextc: how
castro1980: a bag of tortillas
skybluextc: OMG
castro1980: why do you put a baby in a blender feet first?
skybluextc: why
castro1980: so you can see the look on its face.
castro1980: whats the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of bowling balls?
castro1980: You can get the dead babies out with a pitchfork
skybluextc: that's old
skybluextc: classic
castro1980: What has 2 arms, 2 legs and crawls in circles?
skybluextc: what
castro1980: A baby with it's hand nailed to the floor.
castro1980: What's funnier than a dead baby?
castro1980: A dead baby in a clown costume.
castro1980: How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall?
castro1980: Depends on how hard you throw them
castro1980: i fucking hate people
castro1980: man wtf its 1 and i feel like its late as hell
skybluextc: that's your face telling you that you need your beauty sleep
castro1980: youre right
castro1980: so ill wake you up at 630 ok
skybluextc: yeah because if i get any more beauty sleep i doubt you'll be able to handle my face
castro1980: WOW
castro1980: YOURE A BITCH
skybluextc: :-*
skybluextc: what's funnier than a dead baby
castro1980: a dead baby in a clown costume?
skybluextc: a dead baby sitting next to a kid w/ down's syndrome
castro1980: ahahahah
castro1980: that was my next guess
skybluextc: what's the difference b/w a dead baby and a trampoline?
skybluextc: when you jump on a trampoline you take your shoes off
castro1980: hahaha
skybluextc: how do you stop a baby from crawling around in circles
skybluextc: nail its other hand to the floor
etc, etc, amen.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
E-thuggin all over the world
broadband + imac g5 + too much freetime:
yeah there are better sites for your Subaru, but consider this place a starting point
alot of other sneakers etc blogs can only wish to be as good as these guys
spots been blown for a while now. welcome to the internet.
lose sleep over those dunks. I'll snipe that omega watch.
all you need to know. (text only version is even better)
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Guess Who's Back
This is probably the most embarassing song that I know the words to.
I can't even remember when/where/how I learned the words.
Probably during the course of it getting a millions spins by radio, MTV, and my little cousins.
Filipinos love that kind of shit, the dancey pop r&b shit.
Watch TFC ( The Filipino Channel) and you'll be bombarded with attacks of variety shows with lip syncing most to that genre and ballads. Oh, and the choreography as well, of course.
Confession: I like their new video. With the whole 80's rocker concept.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
love songs on the KOST...KOST 1-0-3-POINT-5
i know way too many soft rock, easy listening love songs. why? because growing up my parents only listened to 1 station, LA's Soft Rock, Easy Listening Love Songs on the KOST. In the mornings it was Mark and Kim and in the evenings it was Karen Sharp with dedications.
The only thing is I never seem to know the titles of the songs. Once I hear it I can sing along, but if you were to ask me to sing it back to you without the song in the background I'd stare at you like a dear in headlights.
Can I answer this question for Mike? I'm gonna predict he says "Touched" by Omarion. Why? From his own mouth, "The song's catchy!"
Monday, September 12, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
on exercise.
ever fart a clapper while you have your headphones on while at the gym...then spend the rest of your time on the elliptical wondering if anyone heard your glory?
yeah, me neither.
ps: bust a nut, lainey, on the GREs!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Worst Movie Ever
I've sat through a couple of crappy movies. I stay because I paid X amount of $$ in ticket and popcorn so I feel like I have to see it.
Airheads. I was in junior high and I was with my friends. It was a double feature and if you paid to see Airheads you got to see Speed for free. We went just to see Speed since we all had crushes on Keanu Reeves in his I'm ridiculous hot because I'm cut form. I wanted to shoot myself sitting through Airheads. It was sheer torture, but I sat through it to see some cute boy.
The Core. Paying to see this movie is Mike's fault. He thought it'd be cool, so we saw it at the freakin Imax screen at the Metrion in SF. I know I was laughing at things that weren't supposed to be funny. I wasn't the only one because other people in the audience were doing so as well.
Imma Make You Learn Chinese
George Bush doesn't care about Black people.
I was reading/watching(?) some report on the relief effort (or lack thereof) for the hurricane and it was saying how this is further evidence of why black people should refer to themselves as black instead of African-America.
A white person born in Africa that moves to America is an African-American (Charlize Theron). An American that has African roots with dark skin is Black.
That's what the dude was saying, and it's hard to argue with that.
One thing that lingers in my mind:
How does this affect Mike Meyers status with people. Does he get any points by being associated with that particular clip of Kanye speaking out? He seemed to be agreeing with what Kanye had to say, or at least he wasn't refuting him. Maybe he was too taken by surprise to? He had to have had some decent standing after doing a movie with Beyonce, right? A movie that wasn't on some Halle/Billy Bob shit.
BTW, I have no idea what the subject of this email has to do with the body text. Flower bridge.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
He Aint Quarter Life
...but there's some resentment up in him right about now.
"I wouldn't say I'm angry, you know. I think I'm tired of hearing the politicians say that, you know, they understand the frustration of people down here. To me, you know, it's not frustration. It's not that people are frustrated. It's that people are dying. I mean there are people dying. They're drowning to death and they drown in their living rooms and their bodies are rotting where they drowned and there are corpses in the street being eaten by rats and this is the United States of America."
-- CNN's Anderson Cooper, 9/2/2005
DL this VIDEO of him giving it to Sen. Mary Landrieu.
Paula Zahn gets in on the action.
Ted Koppel, "with all due respect..."
Kanye speaking out
video courtesy of
Passive Aggressive Behavior
People with PAPD are characterized by covert obstructionism, procrastination, stubbornness, and inefficiency. Such behavior is a manifestation of passively expressed underlying aggression. In the DSM-IV the disorder is also called negativistic PD.
PAPD patients characteristically procrastinate, resist demands for adequate performance, find excuses for delays, and find fault with those on whom they depend; yet they refuse to extricate themselves from the dependent relationships. They usually lack assertiveness and are not direct about their own needs and wishes. They fail to ask needed questions about what is expected of them and may become anxious when forced to succeed or when their usual defense of turning anger against themselves is removed.
In interpersonal relationships, these people attempt to manipulate themselves into a position of dependence, but others often experience this passive, self-detrimental behavior as punitive and munipulative. People with this disorder expect others to do their errands and to carry out their routine responsibilities. Friends and clinicians may become enmeshed in trying to assuage the patients' many claims of unjust treatment. The close relationships of people with PAPD, however, are rarely tranquil or happy. Because they are bound to their resentment more closely than to their satisfaction, they may never even formulate goals for finding enjoyment in life. People with this disorder lack self-confidence and are typically pessimistic about the future.
So yea, this blog is my call for passive aggressive behavior to come to an end in the work place and among friends! I am not usually one to call out personality disorders that cause drama, as I am ADHD myself and fucked up like the rest of us, however this is more of a rant, due to stuff going on in my life... hope it is cool...
Dont you hate it when people who may not like confrontation do things to harm, which are passive aggressive and therefore in their own little minds can be written off as nothing...
por ejemplo....
(none of these examples are real and all are typical and anonymous... to protect the innocent)
if say your roommate was mad at you cause you did something that they didnt like, but you had no idea you were doing... but instead of talking to you about it... fights fire with fire and does something in vengence or in spite...
if your co-worker's idea is not used or accepted and then he/she gets all butt hurt..... but.... acts like it is nothing, doesnt voice his/her opinion about it, does not even try to defend their position.... and then holds a certain amout of resentment for a boss or another co-worker for future idea debates etc...
if your gf/bf is mad cause you bumped into, then hung out with another girl/guy that is your friend (only)... then out of spite your gf/bf make an EFFORT to hang out with a guy/girl in vengence...
got any good examples?
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Cautious Drivers
suck. how the fuck does going 30mph on the streets or 50mph on the freeway help anyone? that just causes more frustration and more rash driving maneuvers by those having to get around them.
i hate them. this is not new news. just came to mind.
you know what they say, "no noose is good news."
you know, you gotta get around them, give them that look, and cut back right in front of them so they know that they are being stupid.
bad drivers and stupid people are exactly when i keep a tray of pennies in my car. to toss at they dumb asses. it happens to be conveniently located right next to my driver side window. what has also worked well in the past is a big cup of skittles from a vending machine. but yes, pennies are easy to get a hold of and make a better sound when thrown at cars.
One survey I always wanted to conduct was to ask people what their favourite names/terms are for using towards bad drivers and the like. I tend to call people "dick" or "fucker" quite often. Or use the appropriate accent when passing drivers, accordingly. Especially if their cars have certain characteristics about them that are tell-tale signs, e.g. nike swoosh. white guys i tend to give the name "chad". A lot of the times tho i end up yelling at people by their car model, like "what the fuck are you doing, accord!?!?" "fuck you, camry, you ain't gettin in front of me!"
I hate when I'm stuck behind a cautious driver and they make me miss a light that I could have otherwise made. Especially when this happens in the morning on my way to work. Violent thoughts come to mind when this occurs. I mean, you have to calm down a little when you see that it's someone with like a "baby on board" or whatever, so you understand why they drive that way, but some folks are just mad stupid and i just wanna turn their cabbage into coleslaw.
fuck them.