They Most Definitely Are Here
Rockin the CS Stylez, as well:

santana. bandana.
Sayin tho...
rufo's tapsilog - i'm pretty sure this shit was open 24 hrs. nothing like greasy tapsilog + royal tru orange at 4am when your head is swimming w/ too many vodka 7's. beats tapa king for sure.
#3: matzo ball soup and pickles - canter's
haven't been in a while but this is the joint...
If I was really Alton Brown
In response to the topic of the week, I would have to say that the best late night snack is....
"lazy" is already being dressed on a friday night, having the good hair done did, then deciding you'd rather work the mold your ass has left in the chair you've been sitting on for the last 4 hours (recontouring the ergonomic ass cheek padding thousands of Asian asspad engineers have developed over the course of a decade)to get your trillian on and check myspace comments.
Ever get so hot, you get too lazy to have sex because you don't want the extra body heat? Serio, it's that hot in the L.A. basin.
some quotes that came up when i googled 'laziness':
3 entries found for laziness.
the day was old and had begun to settle itself, as old people do. i was low in my deck chair, motionless under the shade of the overhang on the east side of my house. the sun was almost finished trodding over the mountains and the sky started to sherbert itself. there, above me, i glimpsed the multihued refraction of the last rays of the day upon a singular strand; a spider's thread. i followed this tether to the ground below and, to my astonishment, there lay the fat and brown and hirsuite culprit. definitely not an indigenous species, this king or queen arachid heaved its plump thorax across the concrete and into the shadows of the tall grass as i blinked, dumbfounded. it was then at that very moment i discovered that i liked girls.
It was the summer before my senior year of college. It was a couple
when you're sitting right in front of the tv, yet you are darting your eyes everywhere trying to find the remote control.
i am not sure what lazy means? but lets assume that we are talking about lazy like lazy to do shit that needs to get done until the last minute. well...
ugly is...
Yo mamma so ugly she's just ugly.
How many people work out just to attract members of the opposite sex?
...ryan has 3 f-ing accounts. am i counting that right? do you really think it's cool to hit the sauce when you got a bun in the oven??