Monday, July 18, 2005

Laziness Is...

when you're sitting right in front of the tv, yet you are darting your eyes everywhere trying to find the remote control.

Beyond that, laziness is your own worst enemy down the line.
It's also a social stigma of races that are discriminated against.
Got that -itis?

How about when you're thirsty, but then consider the task of having to actually get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink and then you get discouraged?
That's pretty damn lazy, too.

How would you like it if this behaviour was passed on to your kids?
Would you like having lazy offspring laying around the house all day as your lazy ass does?
Wouldn't that annoy the fuck out of you?
Wouldn't you just want to smack them across the face and tell them to get off they ass and actually do something for a change instead of being entranced by whatever is on tv, eating junk food, clogging their arteries, getting fat, and learning nothing?

Why would you want a long life is all it consists of is filler?
Live fast, die pretty.

Laziness leads to missed opportunites, but that's also the most it deserves.

What if you had an extremely lazy spouse?
Fuckin layin in bed with a bucket of chicken all day, drinking soda by the 2liter, takes mad effort just to roll over, gettin close to not being able to bath themselves...
That'd be fucked up.

America. Land of Opportunity.

If you're too lazy to do your laundry, that probably means that you also haven't washed your sheets.
That means you're sleeping on pillows infested with dustmites and full of the oil from your face and hair.
Not to mention whatever perspiration you had going on with the rest of your body and the dirt from the air the oil on your body attracted that has been spread and smudged around the sheets that you lay in every night.
But washing, drying, and folding are such a hassle aren't they?
Too lazy for that shit.
You fucking deserve every pimple on your face and ass that pop up as a result of this.
You lazy motherfucker you.

Are you still wearing your Wednesday underwear?


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