Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Rides

These are what I got so far.
Specialized Hardrock mtn bike from when I was in jr high. It's still up and running, but it definitely needs a tune-up and the gears need fixing.
Diamondback Viper X bmx bike, for doing fun things. Just a starter bike, really. I'll be adding parts as I go along, and the more I need to, I'll upgrade. So if I get really into it, I'll have a bike that will eat this one alive. But as it is, don't have the ca$h to dedicate to that right now.
Komda Compact folding bike (that's what the tag said, even though the frame says Infinity). This is the dilly that I keep in the trunk for when I feel like riding or don't feel like walking. Fun toy, but not for anything serious.
Maybe I'll take a better picture later when there's more light instead of in my garage at night, but maybe I don't care enough to. Ha.
here's a somewhat better look at the viper x:

Thursday, August 17, 2006
steady rollin

This is my ride. A Specialized Fatboy Hemi Comp. Got it for $70 bucks off some dude from Craigslist. Picked it up at Herald Square and rode it down to South Street Seaport during rush hour traffic. Wouldnt have it any other way.
My previous bike was a POS folding bike off of ebay. I still keep it around just in case. But we're talking about the Fatboy. I love this thing. The frame is a bit different than a typical bmx frame, its a bit longer and heavier, makes it more of a cruiser, but its still light and small enough to flick it around cars and buses and such. Need to replace the tires pretty soon, probably also along with the brakes and chain. I've ridden alot of lower Manhattan with it, debating on whether or not to attack Central Park with it. I'm looking to get a Specialized Langster for longer jaunts. In the mean time this thing does the job..
daisy, daisy, give me your answer do...

Up next I want a lighter bike - this one is good for tooling around Brooklyn in because it's got the basket (key for carting six packs and food around) but I want something I might possibly able to ride to work on. A BMX-type bike would be cool too but I don't think it's really practical. Haha - PRACTICAL. That's me!
Oh boy.
Stupid friend called me after all those dumb emails. I didn't answer - left me this long winded message asking the directions for this store she wanted to go to that I took her to before, because she was maybe going to be in the area later, and she wanted to buy some blah blah blah... It was really about 2 mins long, just to ask where the freaking store was. She called me again next day but I didn't answer - must've gotten the message because she didn't leave one.
In other news, trying to save up for our trip to Japan; Ryan and Co. and I leave end of September for a week of EGL slutting.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Summer of Sleaze

It's mid-August people! The Summer of Sleaze is almost coming to an end.
There has been buzz here and buzz there about another End of Summer BBQ Stylee.
Ain't nothin to it but to DO IT.
I'm eating fucking red meat again (paranoid about iron deficiency and too cheap to buy supplements), I'm good to go.
I'm thinking a park in OC, i.e. Irvine would be the best location again, but... perhaps I have a bias?
Anyways, leave comments on when is the best time frame for you and if you have a location preference.
You NY Sluts will have to wait your turn, we're staggering out there slowly, but we'll come out in full force sooner or later.
If we can't do Medieval Times, we gotta get it together fuck New Yawk Shitty!
Hey. Everyone pretty much has jobs now.
I think that means we can start thinking about a new apparel thing.
A new bandana for the coming season might be good.
Making the tshirt we never made might also be something to consider.
We gotta get on that next shit, not just that now shit.
Oh, and if you haven't heard, we're more or less starting to transform into a bike crew.
Get on it.
What the fuck else has been going on, people!?!?
Is Alexis' stupid friend the biggest deal of the summer?
...that shit was pretty funny though. haha.
Mini topic:
post pics of the bike(s) you have/want

Ride or... don't.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
chock full o' stupid
* used to sneak out a lot in high school. senior year, pretty much every night. i was living on 2 hrs of sleep a night - no wonder i failed math. only got caught twice. i'd sneak the car out too. driving in the philippines prepared me fo' life!
and...YOHO! CON'T:
from: r
subject: *eek!*
i got this e-mail and i don't know what to do x((
brief introduction:
so as we all know [as well as N.] that G. [i
hope you remember him — J.s friend] that G.
lives with his ex-girlfriend and now they're
roommates, and so G. has been saying a lot of
negative things about S. and bla bla bla and that
they've been broken up for a long time and that
they're not together anymore and that now he sees me
and so i feel sorry about the girl, and i sent her an
e-mail invitation to a jewelry-making-and-selling,
just about 3 blocks from their house, to be nice and
hoping that it would neutralize any bad feelings
between us [me and S.] because when i met her, she
actually looked and acted cool.
long story short, this is her reply to my NICE
Thanks for thinking of me. G. and I are in the
midst of redefining our relationship. So, I don't know
that this would be appropriate, although I am a fan of
the unconventional. I am also on call tonight so that
limits my availability. Thank you for being kind and
ever so cool.
Take care,
what should i do??????????????? should i believe
G.? or should i believe her? or neither of them???
but what should i do? what if G. calls? what should
i say to her?????? OMG!!! i really need N. to
sort this out for me because i think she's the only
one who can say something since she's known him for 10
years and J. has known him for 15 years :(
argh!!!! drama!!!!!!! i haaaaaaaaaaaattttteeeeeeeeeeee
don't worry. i got more.
does that mean she hateees assholeees? haties assholies?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
dude i'm an idiot
so i was thinking of silk screening onto these bandana tote bags that i found online. i found
my stupid ass didn't see that the blue and red ones are 6" x 6" Poly Non-Woven Fabric Bandanna Print. it's a tote bag for a fuckin barbie!
at least the other tote bags are 14" x 16 1/2" with 5 1/2". freakin regular people size bags.
i'm such a dork.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
whatchu talkin about...i'm an angel (^_^)
- age 1 - me and my cousin sean went to the same babysitter when we were kids. i was 1 and he was 3. there were some other kids at this nanay's daycare and we'd all bring our own toys to occupy our times with. some brat tried to steal my toy. i get sad and then angry. my cousin saw what went down and pushed that little bratty bugger on the ground, while i reclaimed my toy back. the next day the brat came with a cast on his arm. brat broke it on his fall.
- age 4 - me and sean no longer went to that babysitter and had our older cousin watch us at his house. we got into a fight. i was angry and i picked up his dad's guitar and bashed it on his head.
- kindergarten - i yelled out "oh shit" on the playground. the teacher watching us pulled me aside, yelled at me, and made me wash my mouth out with soap. i told my parents what happened and they laughed. they were saying oh shit all the time in the house when they f'd up.
- 2nd grade - at first communion practice i didn't want to eat the wafer so i spit it out. an angry nun yelled at me. i put it back in my mouth. when she turned around i spit it out and put it in an offetory envelope. i put the envelope back in the pew where i got it.
- 4th grade - my teacher, sister elvira, had leukemia and would leave in the afternoon for chemo. our school libriarian, mrs hoffman, would watch us for those short hours. my whole class was evil. we'd throw books at each other. yell over her as she tried to tell us to pipe down. eventually it was so bad we made her cry. by the end of the year she left our school to be an admin at the high school next door. on my first day of said high school next door she recognized me as one of the little monsters that ran her out of the elementary school and cringed.
- 5th grade - at recess we played four square and i screamed out "fuck!" in anger. the room mother watching us pulled me by the ear and yelled at me for what felt like all of recess about why profanity was vulgar. i think i said "are you done yet? can i get back to the game?" which made her even more angry and she dragged me into the bathroom and made me wash my mouth out with soap. i looked at her like she was crazy and then she grabbed my hand put soap in it and then made me rinse my tongue out.
- 6th grade - i yelled "fuck you" at this one girl that no one liked. it was during class time and she was walking to the bathroom or something. the teacher found out and made me apologize. at least i didn't have to wash my mouth out with soap.
- 7th grade - my class hated our 7th grade teacher. 2 weeks before end of school we had a riot in the classroom. we were watching a movie in class when a book flew across the room. then another book flew, then somehow we were throwing chairs and pushing desks. a chair got thrown out the window. yay my 7th grade class.
- 8th grade - before class started i'd hang out in the 8th junior high bathroom with my chola friends and try to smoke cigarettes. i would cough up a storm and then freak out. so i just hung out in the smoke filled bathroom while we talked shit.
- sophomore year - i would come to school totally hammered and when i sobered up i'd be really surly to everyone. i'd go home steal more of my dad's booze (the airline bottles of liquor he kept in an upstairs room) and get hammered all over again. i would drink vodka and oj right in front of my mom and she would say "drink all your juice i don't want you to waste it"
- junior year - i finally learned how to smoke cigarettes. i would smoke reds in the back of my uncle's house. there "backyard" was the wash that a big rig jumps in terminator 2. we'd hop the fence and smoke and drink beer before anyone came home.
- freshman year of college = booze booze and more booze + cigarettes
- sophomore year of college = booze booze and more booze + cigarettes + herb
- junior year of college = repeat sophomore year plus being a good student + almost getting kicked out the uci pub
- senior year of college = repeat junior year - being a good student - kicked out of pub + making friends with the bartenders at pub
- super senior year = repeat junior year minus being a good student + i quit smoking...for that year + graduating from college.
- eurotrip with ivy = all i can really remember is being high in amsterdam. space cakes for breakfast. herb at lunch. herb at dinner. herb herb herb
- life now = beer and cigarettes when there's beer...
i went from troublemaking to booze and cigarettes and herb to just booze and cigarettes. yay me.