steady rollin

This is my ride. A Specialized Fatboy Hemi Comp. Got it for $70 bucks off some dude from Craigslist. Picked it up at Herald Square and rode it down to South Street Seaport during rush hour traffic. Wouldnt have it any other way.
My previous bike was a POS folding bike off of ebay. I still keep it around just in case. But we're talking about the Fatboy. I love this thing. The frame is a bit different than a typical bmx frame, its a bit longer and heavier, makes it more of a cruiser, but its still light and small enough to flick it around cars and buses and such. Need to replace the tires pretty soon, probably also along with the brakes and chain. I've ridden alot of lower Manhattan with it, debating on whether or not to attack Central Park with it. I'm looking to get a Specialized Langster for longer jaunts. In the mean time this thing does the job..
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