Summer Sluttin Cont.
Wine Country.

Good food. Alcohol in the wine. Free cheese (not from the govt).
Where to next?

Wine Country.
so i've been MIA. but i have been putting my video games to use. we play the DS daily. shes big on the brain/ puzzle games. i just play Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter (why such a long ass title?). that shit online is the greatest. but what would this entry be without some hate? MY FUCKING xbox360 FREEZES when i play for extended periods (like an hour plus). I got the Pelican Fan Stand and my power brick is floating (zip tied it and have it hanging from a bracket). Anyone know if the INTERCOOLER is any good?
*it's hotter than the devil's crotch in the valley
* you get on the subway and you want to puke because it smells like feet and stale sweat.
Inspired by my CREPESSSSSSSSSSSSS post, let's talk about the season upon us.