last one

ok ryan said this would be relevant to the topic. some background: renny is a girl i've known for a few years, since i first moved to ny. we're pretty good friends but i just don't see her that often. natasha is a bartender we both worked with and glenn is a friend of her husband's, and they all lived in italy together years ago when they were models. okay go:
by the way, Alexis, i have 1 question and 1 confession
for you:
question — do you mind if i hang out with Glenn?
i feel bad not asking you this because i remembered
that you had a little crush on him last year at Meet
and i was absolutely trying to hook you up with him
last time we met again at the Pizza Bar :( i feel
stupid in a way because i think i'm not supposed to be
hangin out with him because of you, but you said you
don't like him and not that i said i did, but we've
been talking and he's not that bad — he's still being
stupid with his stupid jokes and being a sleezy
asshole a bit sometimes, but he's generally nice. i
think he really thinks that he's funny hkahkakhkahka
well, sometimes.
confession — we've been talking a lot on the phone!
since that night at the Pizza Bar, he called me and
he's been calling me everyday since. Natasha invited
me to her friend's July 4th party and i went and met
him again there and we were hangin out until 4 o'clock
in the morning. and then i met him again on Tuesday,
after work, he was meeting his friend at Blue Ribbon
and i came and hung out with them and then we both
went to Natasha's house and hung out there until 3
o'clock in the morning and then i met him again last
night, my friend's bachelor's party was in Professor
Thom's and he lives nearby so he stopped by and had
drinks with us, we were there until 2 o'clock
this is a bit weird. at least i feel weird about my
position with Natasha and you. Natasha has been so
worried about the idea that i'm hangin out with Glenn,
she said i need to really be careful. and about you, i
didn't think about it as much because i thought well
yeah whatever, we talk on the phone, so what? but now
that we talk everyday and we meet more often, i really
think that i should tell you. please tell me how you
feel, i feel so uncomfortable
xo \r
and yes, i slept with him *glek*
and let me end this post by saying that aforementioned glenn tried to get me to go home w/ him that night that renny allegedly tried to hook us up. thank god i didn't - i suddenly remembered the time he showed up to our restaurant in leather pants.
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