Monday, July 10, 2006

i ain't goin' out like that.

okay... so i've had some errors in judgment when it comes to the mens... one in particular. i decided to give the 'nice guy' [that i was not too attracted to at first] a chance, seeing how my superficial tendencies have not served me well.

so anyways, i start dating this guy, whatever. about a month into it, when i am starting to like him as a person and overlook his lack of style and WASPy-ness, he basically bails. stops calling, avoids me in school, etc.

well... homey don't play that. he had no idea who he was dealing with.

soon after, at a bar reivew [ = weekly law school event at different bars] yours truly went out looking especially cute, got really drunk, and maddogged whitey the whole night. but it does not stop there... as luck would have it, he chose that night to finally come try to talk to me, ultra-cas, like "hey what's up? how've you been" type of shit.

so... i proceed to basically call him out on everything. how he had been avoiding me. how HE had been the one who asked ME out. how I did not want to really get involved, but HE pursued it. how I had not been the one making all the plans and speaking in relationship-talk. mind you, i did all of this with a calm demeanor and didn't roll my neck once. everytime he would try to say something - kaBLow, shot down. nope, no way. 'you're weak' --'you're an asshole' -- 'what the hell was your problem' -- 'um, i never wanted anything from you anyway.' etc.

this might not all sound so spectacular... but lemme tell you, it felt nice doing it. after that - no fucking polite smiles at school, no me-trying-to-be-the-bigger person. done-zo.

p.s. as a reminder to myself - and to all the other ladies i know - i came up with a new list of rules for myself. read and admire:

"i am no longer going out with anyone shorter than me, less cute than me, less cool than me, whiter than me, more conservative than me, sloppier than me, with a bigger appetite than me, more pretentious than me, who drinks more than me, or who is in the same year of law school as me, who has no fucking style."

done and done.

(man... feels good even remembering it!)


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