it ain't no celebration bitches!
-my electronic shit fucking up [sidekick into jacuzzi, but then again i did fall in with a nude jeri lee. did you hear that phil? and then the BENQ dvd-burner going on the fritz, MIKE!]

-warranty policies
-eros not hooking up a fansign from christine mendoza
-taking pictures for girls self-conscious about a poor body image [don't ask for pictures if you don't like yourself!]
-graduating college [most expensive B.S. I ever got]
-being overqualified and still not getting the job
-marc ecko's getting up being pushed back until feb.
-living at home
-selling out
-seriously though, this weather is whack, it makes me want to pick my nose all the time...
you gotta update the firmware on the drive yo, fixed it for me...
eff you anne dee!
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