can i get a job?

subject: read me! read me!!!
hola mr. tom aka myspace dude,
so i think i should start with the standard "i'm not crazy" and "please don't call the internet cops" since that's what my friends have suggested i start this with.
and now that i've officially started i can just write to you like we're friends even though i did defriend you when i signed up to this thing because i thought to myself "who the hell is this tom dude?!" hola mr. tom aka myspace dude. i have a question.
i'm sick and tired of corporate life. it blows. and now that myspace is blocked from my computer it blows hard monkey balls. i've been looking for a way out either through grad school or through another job. i want to do and at least something that i don't want to go drink a whole bottle of vodka when i get home, although i don't because i can't afford the good stuff and drinking cheap vodka is like drinking rubbing alcohol so why bother. instead i run my brains out and release some energy that way.
so hopefully you've been able to decipher through my question is...
are there any job openings at myspace?
i am the typical recent college grad, but i'm wondering when the "recent college grad" title disappears. i graduated from uci in 2003 and maybe next year i'll remove the "recent" since by then it'll be 3 years and that's a lifetime in post college days.
corp life has made me quite adept at answering phones, doing mail merges for labels, sending out invitations, making fedex and ups labels, answering questions to 4 different managers when their questions are innane and stupid. and at the end of the day i ask myself, "i took out how much in student loans to do this?"
and i'm sure i have other skills but at the moment i'm in post work mode so my brain isn't at full capacity.
i got the idea to send you this message because every day that one of my 4 managers rips me a new asshole i send out resumes. i was in the process of doing this when a friend of mine mentioned an incident he had today in the elevator to his work. a lady asked him "do you work at myspace?" apparently his office is in the same building. it then popped in my head, "i wonder what it's like to work at myspace..."
so here i am messaging you with the question
are there any jobs at myspace?
if not ehhh no worries, there's no harm in trying right
thank's for reading my message
hey yo, lainey. if i run into him i will ask him if they're hiring. i ride in the elevator w/ the MS people all the time.
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